How to Make Out the Most of Your Dumpster

Bear proof dumpsters

The Right Way to Fill Up Your Dumpster

Dumpsters are helpful tools when you are taking on big projects like home renovations, clearing out your home, moving to a new house, landscaping your garden, working on a construction project, or estate cleanouts. However, there are some dumpster users that may not know exactly how to fill a roll-off dumpster. That is why we have brought you today some dumpster loading tips.

Dumpster Loading Tips

  • Avoid loading the dumpster at the top edge; above the indicated maximum fill line.
  • Load the dumpster evenly to distribute weight and prevent tipping. This means to avoid filling up one end of the dumpster to the top before adding contents to the other end.
  • Place the bulkiest items like old equipment, furniture, housing fixtures and similar things at the bottom.
  • Try to make the waste inside the dumpster as compact as possible to avoid accidents.
  • Group and organize. This means that rather than simply throwing items into a dumpster and letting each land just by gravity, try laying items flat instead. Group similar shaped items to eliminate gaps.
  • Break things down before throwing them away to make an efficient use of space.

Dumpster Loading Tips

Additional Tips

  • Keep the way from the worksite to the dumpster free of obstacles and as short as possible.
  • Do not get in the dumpster and jump on debris trying to compact it.
  • Do not throw debris in the dumpster if someone is inside of it.
  • Never forget to wear proper safety equipment such as boots, gloves and a form of eye protection.

If you are looking for dumpster services in Maryland and West Virginia, call Sunrise Sanitation Services at +1 301-334-6212 for a free quote. We can help you determine what size dumpster you should have based on the volume of materials and space on your property.

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