How to Keep Your Compost Going in Winter

Minimizing food waste with organized fridge

It is easy to adopt healthy waste practices throughout the summer, especially putting things in the composter. However, winter composting can be much more challenging because people are eating less whole foods, and they don’t want to be continually going back outside to dispose of it in the garbage.

Throughout the colder season, the compost can freeze and become less active. However, if you reduce organic waste by adding to the composter, you will still have lots of compost to use once the summer rolls around.

Winter Composting Tips (Keeping It Warm and Active)

When it comes to winter composting, you need to ensure that it is staying warm and active. If you want to compost to help your garden, you need to ensure that the microorganisms are healthy, or else it won’t be beneficial. 

One of the best winter composting tips is to leave your compost in an area that does not get too cold. If you have a shed that is more protected from the elements, this might be a better option. You can also invest in a compost heater, which will keep it going all year round. 

Start composting during the winter.

Benefits of Composting (Reduce Organic Waste)

It would help if you always keep winter composting as it will help put your natural food products to good work. When you reduce organic waste from the garbage and put it into the composter, you leaving more room for products that belong in the trash. 

When you compost, you are reusing food. You can help make the ground richer in nutrients by ensuring that all food waste gets put into one. You will also notice that the more you compost, the fewer bags of trash you are taking out at the end of each week. 

If you have more questions on making the most of winter composting, you can contact Sunrise Sanitation. Our experts will give you useful information that will be relevant all year round. 

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