The hardest part about recycling is making it a part of your daily routine. Once it becomes routine, it becomes easy, almost automatic. But, getting started is the hardest part. Here are the first steps to make recycling a part of your lifestyle.

How to start recycling?
When you incorporate new behavior into your life or try to change old behavior, you need to have a plan of attack. It won’t happen automatically. Having a plan will make it easy to follow and less likely to fail. Having a plan will mentally prepare you for what’s about to happen next, and make it easier to follow through.
Understanding what can be recycled
First, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of materials that can be recycled. Make sure you know the difference between the various materials and what materials can be recycled, and which can’t. You also need to understand when something that was recyclable becomes un-recyclable. For example, paper products and cardboard are easily recyclable, unless they are soiled and spoiled by grease or other food particles.
Separating trash from recycling

The second step is to get set up and organized. Getting the proper recycling bins is crucial to your recycling success. If you change your diet, the best chance of success is to fill your fridge, freezer, and pantry with healthy foods and snacks. If you have the right ingredients on hand, you’re less likely to call out for that pizza when you get hungry. The same is true of recycling. If you don’t have anywhere to put your recyclables, you’ll become frustrated and give up. Organization and preparation are going to help you succeed in making recycling a part of your daily routine.
Dropping off your recycling
Having your recycling rinsed and separated will make it much easier to drop-off at one of our recycling centers. Our many recycling center locations in West Virginia and Maryland make it easy to get rid of your recycling. You can also arrange for recycling services at your place of business or job-site.
Arrange for garbage and recycling services for your home, business, or job-site in West Virginia and Maryland with Sunrise Sanitation.